Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Portrait of Evil

You. You, with your dark, piercing eyes. Your egocentricity, your deceitfulness.

I followed you down a path of evil. I was lost, confused, scared. I didn't know better.

You swagger along, the crowd parting to let you through. Nothing touches you or changes you. You are fixed, distant, apart.

I looked too deeply, trying to find good where it didn't exist. I judged lightly.

Your slippery lies, your stubborn anger. You make the world around you worse.

I was confused. I sought acceptance, happiness.

You hurt. You insult, you belittle, you slander.

I listened and internalized when I shouldn't have.

You ruined me.

I saw the path you were on, I tried to get away.

You called it cowardice.


  1. i likee your blogg.
    and i think that you should send me an hb message and tell me what this is about.
    i love youu!
