Sunday, June 28, 2009

Circles of Flame

So, yeah. I haven't written a blog entry in a while. But I have an excuse! Sorta. I was away all of last week at a camp, and then for the past few days at a family reunion. The camp was fun, but the reunion only served to remind me of how extremely southern most of my dad's family is. At least I got to hang out with my cousins Louis and Sam, ages 7 and 4, who provided constant entertainment. I think I played more Uno and Go Fish than I ever have before in my life.

I leave again on Wednesday to go to another family reunion (my mom's side, this time) in Vermont. Most of her family lives somewhere out in the southwest, but she has a cousin or something who lives in Vermont, and apparently owns some cabins by a lake. So, I'll be staying in a cabin, surrounded by a whole bunch of people who somehow know me, even though I can't really remember any of them. This should be interesting. But anyway, I'll be gone until... maybe about Sunday or so? Something like that.

I'm sad because Daily will be leaving for California on Wednesday also, and won't get back until the next Wednesday... siiiiigh. Even though some of you might hate me for saying this, I actually sorta look forward to school starting back again. At least that way I will get to see her every day!

I am, for some reason, feeling rather more literary and artistic than ever before. I've been reading a lot, mostly books that I've borrowed from Daily. I've been doing more art, and enjoying it. I've actually started writing in a journal recently, which has been a rather interesting experience. And I have some ideas for another poem, which I may attempt to write at some point. All in all, I feel quite productive. Haha, it'd be nice if this new-found productivity would help me write a song for our band... oh well. We haven't gotten to practice at all recently, between Alexandros's trip to Greece, my various trips, Carrie's surgery, and random other stuff. Sigh.

Ugh, my internet is being slow. It's really annoying. That's about it for now. I suppose I'll post another blog entry in a week or so, after the family reunion. If I remember. Haha. Enjoy your summers, everyone!

like a castle built on the sand, slowly eroding

1 comment:

  1. I know family reunions are awkward. People are always coming up and "awe-ing" at you and how much you've grown and how much you remind them of your great uncle on your father's side... and whatnot.

    This is the least productive week of my life yet. So don't feel bad. Oh how I wish I could sing, though.

    Anyway. We'll be lucky if we do get one real band practice before school. I know my summer is BOOKED at this point. sigh.
